What is "The American Dream*"?
Is it a two car garage and a credit card? Maybe for you . . . .
Racial Equality? Perhaps for some . . . .
Social Justice? Possibly for all . . . .
Two turntables and a microphone? Why not?
My American Dream could be very different from yours.
The American Dream is not a national dream upon which we all agree, though you may think so the way our society has been inundated with so many media messages espousing the most base, shallow and selfish perversion of the materialistic American dream from the capitalistic American dreamers (the mad cads). Please!
I ask you to recall another American Dream from the past, one buried by time and repressed by the powers that be. Another American Dream Dreamed by such great Dreamers as the late Dr. Martin Luther King, jr., and his philosophical ancestor, Henry David Thoreau, whose Dreams of a truly democratic and just society in America, for all Americans, indeed for all the world and its people, a noble Dream to bring true security to all.
We need such great Dreamers today, Noble Dreamers who are able to transcend the world as it is and see it for what it could be. We need this badly. Those are not the only two versions of the American Dream. What about your's? What is your dream for America?
That is what the American Dream actually is, your dream for America. There are many American Dreams from many American Dreamers.
What, in your heart and mind, would make America even better? What is your most high-minded and most deeply heart-felt hopes and Dreams for our America?
Are you living and working in such a way as to manifest your American Dream?
Or are you just going along to get along and swallowing the corporate bait - hook, line and sinker, and buying into the heavily advertised, government subsidized, prominently promoted, over sold and under delivered, super-sized-American-Dream wherein all you want is to wheel your Hummer or Caddy through the McDonald's drive-thru on your way to watch the game? This drug-induced dream of staying swaddled in the false security blanket of our corporate exploited comfort zone is just the path of least resistance for corporate control so the elite want us to want to stay nice & comfy in our little comfort zone cocoons and be willing to tolerate most anything by governments and corporations as long as we're allowed to stay swaddled in our comfort zones - however minimal our true levels of psychic and physical comfort may actually be.
My real question is: What is the potential for a nation practicing government of the people, by the people and for the people? Can you imagine a better America, or is this as good as it gets? What is your American Dream?
My Dream for America is my Dream for the whole world. A world without any slavery of any kind anywhere for any of Mother Earth's children regardless of their species, race or gender. Liberty and Justice for All!
If you would like to learn more about the estimated 40,000 illegal slaves in America today as well as the millions worldwide and what is being done to help liberate all of Humanity this link will connect you to the "Free The Slaves Blog": http://ftsblog.net/
All living things want to be free because all living things were created to be free. Not free like wage slave free - but free like the Bear, Wolf, Eagle and Deer.
Free.... really free....
*The capitalized form of Dream is the conscious Dream of purposeful envisioning. This Dream comes from focused thought and imaginative mental activity while awake, not asleep. The human is a curious animal and the incredible range, variety and scale of scope of the human Dream is amazing. One may Dream of world domination or of world liberation or of spousal manipulation. Sleep time dreaming is not capitalized.
All living things want to be free because all living things were created to be free. Not free like wage slave free - but free like the Bear, Wolf, Eagle and Deer.
Free.... really free....
*The capitalized form of Dream is the conscious Dream of purposeful envisioning. This Dream comes from focused thought and imaginative mental activity while awake, not asleep. The human is a curious animal and the incredible range, variety and scale of scope of the human Dream is amazing. One may Dream of world domination or of world liberation or of spousal manipulation. Sleep time dreaming is not capitalized.
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