Beating the bushes . . . .
I have found that truth can be subjective, but absolute Truth cannot.
The first type of 'little t' truth is your own peculiar 'true for you' kind of truth that you have been taught, or just accept without much thought or concern. This type includes all of those idiosyncratic truths like religious and political truths that may change in a flash.
You may go from living in a reality where no god exists to being in one that is filled with the holy spirit of Jehovah, in a flash, a blinding flash, as I understand it. Later that Jehovah truth may change again, maybe instantly or maybe agonizingly slowly to a truth of Allah or Yahweh or even Satan or maybe just back to the void of atheism.
And political truths - ditto!
These personal truths tend to divide us more than unite us, not in a bad way necessarily, but as part of the independent thought that make us the individuals we are. Our individual imagination tends to play a large role in this and we know that the realization of great Truths cam emanate from these imaginings as we have observed with the likes of Da Vinci, Newton & Einstein, whose own pronouncements of Great Truths seemed like flights of fancy to many in their day.
But sometimes these little truths are just lies we tell ourselves. These self-lies are interesting because they cover the gamut. They can be motivated by anything ranging from the highest, most selfless motivations that are completely based on heartfelt vibrations of spiritual Truth, all the way to the most base, evil, selfish motives, even our own little deals with the devil.
Most self-lies are harmless. But we may be telling ourselves lies that we were told by people we trust and believe, like politicians, talk show hosts and business people (which includes union bosses). All of whom are known to lie to us, the public, on a regular basis to get what they want from us: More! More money and power are always in the mix.
One of these truths, of a socio-political nature, is that our great, proud American Labor Union movement is tainted by organized crime. As a past member of two of the most powerful (which isn't saying much) labor unions in America and various other labor organizations, I certainly believe this is true and that it has been true for a long time. It has turned me against wanting to join a union myself - but I'm not stupid - we all owe a tremendous amount to the labor unions.
The international labor movement has made the world much better for everyone. American labor unions, a unique part of the labor movement, certainly get a lot of credit for the great leap forward American society made in the 20th Century. I, like many others, owe my university education to a labor union. I was awarded a scholarship from one of these corrupt unions which allowed me to study anything I chose - anywhere I chose.
One telling Truth: Our American labor unions have helped many thousands of young Americans advance themselves through education with scholarship programs, infinitely more, in fact, than our fabulously wealthy Wall Street elite. I mention Wall Street, not only to strike that stark contrast in goodwill, but because this blog is headed there, for further comparisons. We will make stops along the way in Washington D.C., Columbus, Ohio and Madison, Wisconsin where we will be talking about organized criminals.
If only Jimmy Hoffa could talk....
We have a hard time catching ' known ' union crooks. Why this is, I don't understand. A non-union guy named Bernie Madoff organized a little ponzi scheme racket, similar to union crooks, but he sure got caught. Are these union crooks just too smart? I know they have all those scholarships! Or, maybe they actually just play a role on a stage of characters for public consumption.
But I "know" they are there! I think . . . .
I also think that the harm they do in dollars and livelihoods should be investigated and reported in the public media right alongside the harm done by the organized criminals in D.C., Columbus, Madison and especially those on Wall Street, who it turns out, have a lot of "influence" on these others.
Let's start with D.C.. In my lifetime, as an example, all of the following presidents - JFK, LBJ, RMN, RR, GHWB, WJC, W and BHO have all had known criminals linked to their presidencies. Only Carter and Ford are omitted, probably out of my own ignorance. Some of these are known to have been serious criminal presidencies. Seriously. (I will provide this info to anyone - just give me your coordinates) These are just a few criminal connections in D.C..
Now, across the Potomac River to the Pentagon, (a known satanic symbol!) which houses a ridiculous, fascist, political/business monster with many tentacles like the C.I.A.
The late Pablo Escobar, the most notorious narco-criminal of all time once said, very seriously, that his biggest competition in the drug trade was the C.I.A., which is also well known for hitmen for hire and all manner of extralegal activities usually for very bad reasons. Enough on D.C. for now.
On to Columbus, OH, and Governor Kasich. We are approaching Wall Street already, talk about long tentacles. The "honorable" governor has strong Wall Street ties from his years of Wall Street experience working for the House of Goldman-Sachs, the biggest winner in the Great Wall Street Correction of 2008 for which we taxpayers have paid the tidy sum of $1.3 trillion, so far, for the honor of being their victims!
The governor's way of doing business is obviously the Wall Street Way, but, what is the Wall Street Way? Well, Greed is Good, (not the boy scout oath), is their mantra and their methodology. They somehow make billions when almost everyone else struggles to get by. It is acknowledged by experts that Bernie Madoff, now in prison, was doing the same thing they all do on Wall Street! The difference is not that he got caught! No, the difference, they say, is that he did not cheat the right people!
Bernie Madoff, it seems, was simply guilty of defrauding the wrong people - the wealthy. There is much evidence that this is true. So the "good" and "honorable" governor is knee deep in organized crime with all his Wall Street cronies. He was in real need of help when he ran for governor so he went to New York, not Ohio, to ask for a little bump from Wall Street. No prob! He got it, alright!
He rode into office on a historic, record wave of Wall Street Money that just overwhelmed the process. Now, not only are corporations deemed people in this insane government but they are the only people on welfare! Why is Kasich even bothering with doing dumb ol' governor's work when he could be reaping the rewards of Wall Street socialism?
He has his reasons - which are becoming more obvious all the time as he works his assigned agenda. An agenda I am beginning to know by heart, and besides who says he isn't reaping his socialist benefits from Wall Street? Like I said he rode a huge, historic, record-sized wave of Wall Street Money into office. I assume there are plenty more of our stolen tax dollars where that came from.
Call me simple - I don't mind.
Kasich's agenda is exactly the same as that of Governor Scott Walker in Madison, WI, and maybe a dozen other Republican governors throughout the country. Seems that marching orders were mandated by fascist money donated. What does fascist money buy? What fascist money wants! Power! And politicians don't come cheap! Ask any of those lobbyists on K Street who are so busy getting rich raping our republic.
The national treasury is empty, it was finished off in 2008, thanks to Wall Street, Bush and Obama.
So new pots to plunder!
The state treasuries are nearly gone but these public employees have retirement funds and wages! So Wall Street bought the governorship of one of the richest states left to rob because Ohio has a lot of public employees with pensions and wages! Please, someone wipe the drool from the governor's chin!
Madison, and Gov. Walker, are the most familiar of these union busting, robberies and roll-backs attempts that many are calling an attack on, not just workers, but women workers especially!
Nursing and teaching, traditionally thought of as women's work are still dominated by women in the workplace and these two unions were the ones attacked by Walker while he daintily tiptoed around police and firefighters unions, traditional male strongholds!
WOW! War on Women!
Today is International Women's Day! Where's the Love for our mothers, our sisters and our daughters?
This is too much for a red blooded American to tolerate without protest!
Walker conspired with others, including Wall Street, to deceive the voters of Wisconsin. They hoped to get Walker elected by campaigning deceptively, and by such deceit gain office to launch a stealth attack on workers rights and destroy the public employees unions! This war on women workers was bankrolled by David Koch, of Wall Street fame, with ongoing financial support.
In January, Wisconsin's state budget office projected a surplus of $127 million for the end of this fiscal year. Hardly broke, by any means. Then the governor who takes orders from the Chamber of Commerce, gave a huge tax break to the corporate elite, totalling $143 million to encourage businesses to stay in Wisconsin or move there. So now, Governor Walker has manufactured a serious budgetary shortfall crisis!
Just sound capitalist principles at work, I'm sure!
Now Governor Walker looks pleadingly to his Brothers and Sisters in the unions who give back more than $100 million in wages and benefits. Sounds like more than their fair share to me, but as it turns out, this budget crisis isn't about the budget!
It seems that Governor Walker has figured out that it was the, never used, public employees' right to strike and their sacred right to bargain collectively that caused the budget crisis! And, as it turns out, no amount of cash give-back can ever fix it. This mirrors the fascist nazis and fascist communists who destroyed unions first.
Smart, strong, good, patriotic Americans are being asked, nay told, to do something they know is wrong, vile and evil. We were all taught that sometimes we have to rob the rich to feed the poor or to feed ourselves. We were taught that Robin Hood was a hero because he robbed the rich and gave it to the poor. That is, sometimes, the right thing to do.
We have been taught by Jesus that the Rich are damned to hell, simply for being rich, and that to be a good Christian you must give to the poor. So why is Scott Walker reversing Robin Hood and redistributing wealth from the poor to the rich against the teachings of Christianity? That is worse than criminal, that is morally wrong.
This same war on women workers is playing out across this country. Organized by the corporate elite on Wall Street and the fascists in the Chamber of Commerce as a nefarious intent to trespass against time honored traditions and trample on the teachings of Jesus.
I'm sorry, there's just no way that I can get behind that . . . .
But it doesn't matter. They are going for blood, the long dead, cold, clotted blood of Labor Movement Martyrs who were beaten to death in the streets by police or goon squads and shot to death in their sleep by vigilantes on the payroll of the privileged elite, who guard their elite privilege from our basic right to a decent life.
As I observe Madison, many things become surprisingly clear, which in turn, brings many questions to mind. One thing that becomes very clear, very quickly, is that someone is lying.
Oh my, what a conundrum! How can we ever resolve this dilemma of who to believe? As for myself, I just
fall back on what I have learned from public school Teachers. I suggest we all just use a little deductive reasoning, a little logic, to get closer to the Truth. Because I am determined to at least aproximate the truth
by mapping out what we know to be true and false.
So, it is the case that either our Nurses, avowed to serve the public welfare, and our public school Teachers, whose job includes a moral, social mandate to teach our children to be honest and have integrity, to tell the truth and keep their word are conspiring together to deceive the public and are the ones who are lying to us in this class conflict or else it is the fabulously Wealthy Wall Street Wizards, chanting "Greed is Good", who dictate this cookie cutter attack of wage cutting and collective-rights gutting union-busters who are lying . . . .
That much, we know!
So now, who has the motive and opportunity to deceive us by lying to us? Certainly not the Nurses or Teachers! That's clear, since they don't make enough money to have any say in a nation where speech is defined as money and money is defined as speech, - except through their legally certified, collectively organized, trade unions.
In fact, until we get a tap on the free flow of money that floods from our wallets to corporate coffers, by way of the tax collector, we non-corporations may never enjoy free speech again!
What a concept? Unaffordable free speech! Only in fascist America can such absolute contradictions be accepted as reasonable! Nobody else in the world could possibly comprehend!
So to wrap a bow around this, let me point out that Wall Street pays K Street lobbyists who pay legislators and presidents to do what Wall Street wants. That is organized, top down, legal theft of our government, who then working for Wall Street create budget and economic crises mandating bail-outs, give-aways and general looting of taxes.
This last big looting may total over $3,000,000,000,000.00 and counting. So now, on top of the $4-8 billion a month for wars and the trillion or so lost and unaccounted for in Pentagon funds in Iraq and the trillion lost when the dotcom bubble burst under Clinton, we just can't afford worker solidarity or to treat women equal to men.
These Banksters have robbed us repeatedly, for trillions of dollars, and now they are knocking at the door demanding that we surrender what meager weapons we have to protect our rights like unions and minimum wage laws, hard won rights, for which no human should ever have to fight or die and if these organized criminals had an ounce of human decency, none of these laws or any of this union business would even be necessary . . . .
. . . . but they don't. So it is!
I foresee the largest labor battle in the history of this country because these arrogant, ignorant fascists are trying to destroy the most important thing the American nation ever produced: Human Rights!
And a Good International Women's Day to ya . . . .
I have found that truth can be subjective, but absolute Truth cannot.
The first type of 'little t' truth is your own peculiar 'true for you' kind of truth that you have been taught, or just accept without much thought or concern. This type includes all of those idiosyncratic truths like religious and political truths that may change in a flash.
You may go from living in a reality where no god exists to being in one that is filled with the holy spirit of Jehovah, in a flash, a blinding flash, as I understand it. Later that Jehovah truth may change again, maybe instantly or maybe agonizingly slowly to a truth of Allah or Yahweh or even Satan or maybe just back to the void of atheism.
And political truths - ditto!
These personal truths tend to divide us more than unite us, not in a bad way necessarily, but as part of the independent thought that make us the individuals we are. Our individual imagination tends to play a large role in this and we know that the realization of great Truths cam emanate from these imaginings as we have observed with the likes of Da Vinci, Newton & Einstein, whose own pronouncements of Great Truths seemed like flights of fancy to many in their day.
But sometimes these little truths are just lies we tell ourselves. These self-lies are interesting because they cover the gamut. They can be motivated by anything ranging from the highest, most selfless motivations that are completely based on heartfelt vibrations of spiritual Truth, all the way to the most base, evil, selfish motives, even our own little deals with the devil.
Most self-lies are harmless. But we may be telling ourselves lies that we were told by people we trust and believe, like politicians, talk show hosts and business people (which includes union bosses). All of whom are known to lie to us, the public, on a regular basis to get what they want from us: More! More money and power are always in the mix.
One of these truths, of a socio-political nature, is that our great, proud American Labor Union movement is tainted by organized crime. As a past member of two of the most powerful (which isn't saying much) labor unions in America and various other labor organizations, I certainly believe this is true and that it has been true for a long time. It has turned me against wanting to join a union myself - but I'm not stupid - we all owe a tremendous amount to the labor unions.
The international labor movement has made the world much better for everyone. American labor unions, a unique part of the labor movement, certainly get a lot of credit for the great leap forward American society made in the 20th Century. I, like many others, owe my university education to a labor union. I was awarded a scholarship from one of these corrupt unions which allowed me to study anything I chose - anywhere I chose.
One telling Truth: Our American labor unions have helped many thousands of young Americans advance themselves through education with scholarship programs, infinitely more, in fact, than our fabulously wealthy Wall Street elite. I mention Wall Street, not only to strike that stark contrast in goodwill, but because this blog is headed there, for further comparisons. We will make stops along the way in Washington D.C., Columbus, Ohio and Madison, Wisconsin where we will be talking about organized criminals.
If only Jimmy Hoffa could talk....
We have a hard time catching ' known ' union crooks. Why this is, I don't understand. A non-union guy named Bernie Madoff organized a little ponzi scheme racket, similar to union crooks, but he sure got caught. Are these union crooks just too smart? I know they have all those scholarships! Or, maybe they actually just play a role on a stage of characters for public consumption.
But I "know" they are there! I think . . . .
I also think that the harm they do in dollars and livelihoods should be investigated and reported in the public media right alongside the harm done by the organized criminals in D.C., Columbus, Madison and especially those on Wall Street, who it turns out, have a lot of "influence" on these others.
Let's start with D.C.. In my lifetime, as an example, all of the following presidents - JFK, LBJ, RMN, RR, GHWB, WJC, W and BHO have all had known criminals linked to their presidencies. Only Carter and Ford are omitted, probably out of my own ignorance. Some of these are known to have been serious criminal presidencies. Seriously. (I will provide this info to anyone - just give me your coordinates) These are just a few criminal connections in D.C..
Now, across the Potomac River to the Pentagon, (a known satanic symbol!) which houses a ridiculous, fascist, political/business monster with many tentacles like the C.I.A.
The late Pablo Escobar, the most notorious narco-criminal of all time once said, very seriously, that his biggest competition in the drug trade was the C.I.A., which is also well known for hitmen for hire and all manner of extralegal activities usually for very bad reasons. Enough on D.C. for now.
On to Columbus, OH, and Governor Kasich. We are approaching Wall Street already, talk about long tentacles. The "honorable" governor has strong Wall Street ties from his years of Wall Street experience working for the House of Goldman-Sachs, the biggest winner in the Great Wall Street Correction of 2008 for which we taxpayers have paid the tidy sum of $1.3 trillion, so far, for the honor of being their victims!
The governor's way of doing business is obviously the Wall Street Way, but, what is the Wall Street Way? Well, Greed is Good, (not the boy scout oath), is their mantra and their methodology. They somehow make billions when almost everyone else struggles to get by. It is acknowledged by experts that Bernie Madoff, now in prison, was doing the same thing they all do on Wall Street! The difference is not that he got caught! No, the difference, they say, is that he did not cheat the right people!
Bernie Madoff, it seems, was simply guilty of defrauding the wrong people - the wealthy. There is much evidence that this is true. So the "good" and "honorable" governor is knee deep in organized crime with all his Wall Street cronies. He was in real need of help when he ran for governor so he went to New York, not Ohio, to ask for a little bump from Wall Street. No prob! He got it, alright!
He rode into office on a historic, record wave of Wall Street Money that just overwhelmed the process. Now, not only are corporations deemed people in this insane government but they are the only people on welfare! Why is Kasich even bothering with doing dumb ol' governor's work when he could be reaping the rewards of Wall Street socialism?
He has his reasons - which are becoming more obvious all the time as he works his assigned agenda. An agenda I am beginning to know by heart, and besides who says he isn't reaping his socialist benefits from Wall Street? Like I said he rode a huge, historic, record-sized wave of Wall Street Money into office. I assume there are plenty more of our stolen tax dollars where that came from.
Call me simple - I don't mind.
Kasich's agenda is exactly the same as that of Governor Scott Walker in Madison, WI, and maybe a dozen other Republican governors throughout the country. Seems that marching orders were mandated by fascist money donated. What does fascist money buy? What fascist money wants! Power! And politicians don't come cheap! Ask any of those lobbyists on K Street who are so busy getting rich raping our republic.
The national treasury is empty, it was finished off in 2008, thanks to Wall Street, Bush and Obama.
So new pots to plunder!
The state treasuries are nearly gone but these public employees have retirement funds and wages! So Wall Street bought the governorship of one of the richest states left to rob because Ohio has a lot of public employees with pensions and wages! Please, someone wipe the drool from the governor's chin!
Madison, and Gov. Walker, are the most familiar of these union busting, robberies and roll-backs attempts that many are calling an attack on, not just workers, but women workers especially!
Nursing and teaching, traditionally thought of as women's work are still dominated by women in the workplace and these two unions were the ones attacked by Walker while he daintily tiptoed around police and firefighters unions, traditional male strongholds!
WOW! War on Women!
Today is International Women's Day! Where's the Love for our mothers, our sisters and our daughters?
This is too much for a red blooded American to tolerate without protest!
Walker conspired with others, including Wall Street, to deceive the voters of Wisconsin. They hoped to get Walker elected by campaigning deceptively, and by such deceit gain office to launch a stealth attack on workers rights and destroy the public employees unions! This war on women workers was bankrolled by David Koch, of Wall Street fame, with ongoing financial support.
In January, Wisconsin's state budget office projected a surplus of $127 million for the end of this fiscal year. Hardly broke, by any means. Then the governor who takes orders from the Chamber of Commerce, gave a huge tax break to the corporate elite, totalling $143 million to encourage businesses to stay in Wisconsin or move there. So now, Governor Walker has manufactured a serious budgetary shortfall crisis!
Just sound capitalist principles at work, I'm sure!
Now Governor Walker looks pleadingly to his Brothers and Sisters in the unions who give back more than $100 million in wages and benefits. Sounds like more than their fair share to me, but as it turns out, this budget crisis isn't about the budget!
It seems that Governor Walker has figured out that it was the, never used, public employees' right to strike and their sacred right to bargain collectively that caused the budget crisis! And, as it turns out, no amount of cash give-back can ever fix it. This mirrors the fascist nazis and fascist communists who destroyed unions first.
Smart, strong, good, patriotic Americans are being asked, nay told, to do something they know is wrong, vile and evil. We were all taught that sometimes we have to rob the rich to feed the poor or to feed ourselves. We were taught that Robin Hood was a hero because he robbed the rich and gave it to the poor. That is, sometimes, the right thing to do.
We have been taught by Jesus that the Rich are damned to hell, simply for being rich, and that to be a good Christian you must give to the poor. So why is Scott Walker reversing Robin Hood and redistributing wealth from the poor to the rich against the teachings of Christianity? That is worse than criminal, that is morally wrong.
This same war on women workers is playing out across this country. Organized by the corporate elite on Wall Street and the fascists in the Chamber of Commerce as a nefarious intent to trespass against time honored traditions and trample on the teachings of Jesus.
I'm sorry, there's just no way that I can get behind that . . . .
But it doesn't matter. They are going for blood, the long dead, cold, clotted blood of Labor Movement Martyrs who were beaten to death in the streets by police or goon squads and shot to death in their sleep by vigilantes on the payroll of the privileged elite, who guard their elite privilege from our basic right to a decent life.
As I observe Madison, many things become surprisingly clear, which in turn, brings many questions to mind. One thing that becomes very clear, very quickly, is that someone is lying.
Oh my, what a conundrum! How can we ever resolve this dilemma of who to believe? As for myself, I just
fall back on what I have learned from public school Teachers. I suggest we all just use a little deductive reasoning, a little logic, to get closer to the Truth. Because I am determined to at least aproximate the truth
by mapping out what we know to be true and false.
So, it is the case that either our Nurses, avowed to serve the public welfare, and our public school Teachers, whose job includes a moral, social mandate to teach our children to be honest and have integrity, to tell the truth and keep their word are conspiring together to deceive the public and are the ones who are lying to us in this class conflict or else it is the fabulously Wealthy Wall Street Wizards, chanting "Greed is Good", who dictate this cookie cutter attack of wage cutting and collective-rights gutting union-busters who are lying . . . .
That much, we know!
So now, who has the motive and opportunity to deceive us by lying to us? Certainly not the Nurses or Teachers! That's clear, since they don't make enough money to have any say in a nation where speech is defined as money and money is defined as speech, - except through their legally certified, collectively organized, trade unions.
In fact, until we get a tap on the free flow of money that floods from our wallets to corporate coffers, by way of the tax collector, we non-corporations may never enjoy free speech again!
What a concept? Unaffordable free speech! Only in fascist America can such absolute contradictions be accepted as reasonable! Nobody else in the world could possibly comprehend!
So to wrap a bow around this, let me point out that Wall Street pays K Street lobbyists who pay legislators and presidents to do what Wall Street wants. That is organized, top down, legal theft of our government, who then working for Wall Street create budget and economic crises mandating bail-outs, give-aways and general looting of taxes.
This last big looting may total over $3,000,000,000,000.00 and counting. So now, on top of the $4-8 billion a month for wars and the trillion or so lost and unaccounted for in Pentagon funds in Iraq and the trillion lost when the dotcom bubble burst under Clinton, we just can't afford worker solidarity or to treat women equal to men.
These Banksters have robbed us repeatedly, for trillions of dollars, and now they are knocking at the door demanding that we surrender what meager weapons we have to protect our rights like unions and minimum wage laws, hard won rights, for which no human should ever have to fight or die and if these organized criminals had an ounce of human decency, none of these laws or any of this union business would even be necessary . . . .
. . . . but they don't. So it is!
I foresee the largest labor battle in the history of this country because these arrogant, ignorant fascists are trying to destroy the most important thing the American nation ever produced: Human Rights!
And a Good International Women's Day to ya . . . .
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