Beating The Bushes . . . .

"When the Power of Love overcomes the love of power, The world will know Peace." ~ Jimi Hendrix


Don't be afraid of your Freedom, Folks! 
(to paraphrase the Celtic Warrior Poet, Vincent O'Gorman) 
Taxman, The Beatles' First Protest Song     
                                             The Beatles' Not Being Afraid of Their Freedom!

And the Greatest of our freedoms is the freedom to reason with our own mind and speak with our own voice in protest of that which is not Reasonable and Fair and Just and Equitable. 

This Beatles song is a great example of a well reasoned protest against an unreasonable law or unfair policy from an unjust government that was taking an inequitable 95% of George Harrison's income! 
"Here's one for you, nineteen for me, I'm the Taxman."
Reason, it seems, would dictate that if we are to fight for our freedom, let us fight those who are actually stealing it, not some imaginary enemy or fabricated foe or manufactured monster or even a truly terrible tyrant overseas who never did anything but what our government wanted! Let us focus our philosophical fight against the ones who truly threaten our freedom, because as Aristotle said....                 

"Anyone can become angry--that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way--that isn't easy." 
Sounds reasonable to me.... direct your anger at the right target. Why kick your dog when you're mad at your boss? Let's bring some justice to this world, what do you say? We can join Jesse Ventura as he fights the good fight on all of our behalf. He expects that he might end up in a "detention camp" for questioning the government! Check out his interview in this video.... Jesse Ventura Info-Jams The View (full interview)
Expatriate Super Patriot, former Governor Jesse "The Mind" Ventura, tells it like it is when he appears on ABC TV's 'The View' and shares his well reasoned perception of the developing situation in this country. He lays it at the feet of the Federal Reserve in his opening response to the first question. So many people trace it all back to the Federal Reserve System and the I.R.S., both of which are absolutely illegal and unconstitutional in their take over of our national monetary system.

youtube3.08 Federal Income Tax

"Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws."
~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Founder of Rothschild Banking Dynasty
This financial/political dynasty has controlled the world's money system for centuries by means of murders, manipulations and deceptions. The Federal Reserve Bank System is part of this dynasty. It is, obviously, the part that controls the United States of America. This is who FDR refers to in this quote:

"The real truth of the matter is that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson.    
~ Franklin D. Roosevelt  -  1933
No Evidence Anyone Owes Taxes
The I.R.S. has long been perceived, by many, as a domestic, state-sponsored terrorist organization. Why do they bully, intimidate and terrorize people, well it could be they are actually criminals without a legal leg upon which to stand. 
There seems to be some question as to the existence of any law mandating the levy of an individual income tax. Hmmm, isn't that interesting?

"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It is simply too painful to acknowledge -- even to ourselves -- that we've been so credulous. (So the old bamboozles tend to persist as the new bamboozles rise.)" ~ Carl Sagan

With that notion in mind check out our tax dollars at work in this video of an I.R.S. press conference! These highly qualified experts seem to be trying first, to hornswoggle these people, then, failing that, they try the old fall back position, and try to intimidate the people with a Barney Fife-like good cop / bad cop routine that is laughable! I mean severe fear is the only thing that could possibly keep people from seeing the evasive rhetoric and blatant intimidation tactics of these incompetents!

They need to switch roles in this dog and pony act. They should have had the reasonable looking woman appeal to our sense of civic duty and responsibility as citizens and then had the big, simple, dominant looking male do the intimidation bit. That would have been much more believable from both of them.

I'm concerned that more Americans are not concerned about the theft of our government, resources, money, labor, and the time spent doing that labor - that stolen time is actually our life they are stealing! Time doesn't even exist. It is an imaginary manmade device to measure and control slave output.

Here's a little exercise to help you wake up to reality sans matrix, substitute the word 'life' in the place of the word 'time' and see how that makes you feel about the way we are devaluing our lives by selling it by the hour or month or waste it - naively thinking we are wasting nothing but 'time'.

Think about your life being stolen, your children's lives being stolen....


How many lives has the I.R.S. ruined? How many more lives will we allow them to ruin? 
It is up to us, the American people, to educate ourselves and each other about this reality and put an end to this domestic tyranny! 

Here is a great place to begin, Gene Sharp's great workbook: From Dictatorship to Democracy. It is available for download for a donation, or free if you cannot donate, at the website below the following well reasoned quote from the book.

"No government can exist for a single moment without the cooperation of the people, willing or forced, and if the people withdraw their cooperation, the government will come to a standstill.....Even the most powerful government cannot rule without the cooperation of the ruled." ~ Gene Sharp 

"Resist Evil"~ Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Moses, Ghandi, Thoreau, King, Marley, Che` and billions of others.

One final very interesting video....
The Story of Your Enslavement: 13 minutes.

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