Beating The Bushes . . . .

"When the Power of Love overcomes the love of power, The world will know Peace." ~ Jimi Hendrix

Social Security Ain't Broke - But I Am!

Social Security was fully funded for practically forever until the government borrowed money from it, (it being all of our retirement insurance fund), Now it is fully funded for the next two generations easily if they do not rob us more! 

Social Security is in much better shape than the Donald, as an example, though that is not saying much. It is in much, much, much better shape than the Donald. It is more like McDonalds in terms of it's economic viability.

The U.S. Social Security System has been rated, repeatedly and universally, to be the single best funded government program in the history of the world.

It is not broke. It has a huge surplus of $2.6 Trillion and growing, not shrinking. The only time it has ever shrunk was when the government "borrowed" from it illegally. It is not a government fund. It is not part of the federal budget in any sense or notion. It is an independent fund of citizen's individual insurance accounts that we pay directly into. It is shown as the F.I.C.A. contribution on your check stub. That money goes directly from you to your account, never passing through any government hands. Okay. It has nothing whatsoever to do with our government. PERIOD. They are in the process of robbing, or attempting, it as I type these words.

The only problem with Social Security is that it has ideological enemies, perhaps I should say idiot logical enemies, to be more precise. People who do not want to see Social Security succeed and give us stupid, uncritical, unthinking sheeple more such socialist ideas. Doh!

Most importantly, it has been so successful and piled up so much wealth that the bankers, crooks and politicians, (sorry about the redundancy), are working hard, lying overtime, to liberate it from our secure insurance accounts into their domain of governmental budgetary cash flow streams and sinkholes. It is the same attack as we see on the public employees and their pension funds. These are the last real piles of treasures left to be looted in this country after the last decade.

The fact that they represent more than a century of blood, sweat, tears, toil, trouble, death and despair of millions of Americans to win these rights and privileges, just makes it all the more idiot logically important to break into and empty these personal, private accounts to further facilitate the backwards return of our system to the fiefdoms of the rich, powerful, landed lords and the landless, homeless, serfs and peasants....

Here is where to educate yourself about the truth.... learn the principles stated there. The first being: Social Security has a surplus of $2.6 trillion, which it has lent to the federal government. Social Security did not cause the federal deficit. Its benefits should not be cut to reduce the deficit.

This is a great independent citizens group of volunteer patriots not partisan political people....
